Striking Out

A play (with 5 songs) based on the parable of the prodigal son. One of the interesting aspects of this script is that the whole theatre space is utilized, particularly in the second half.

At the beginning of the script, I have included  information on the cast, the length of the play, sound and lighting requirements, costumes, props and set design.

Below, I have included the primary indicators that you will need to guage if this play could suit your needs. These two indicators are cast required and length of the play.

Cast : 24. (A number of smaller parts could be doubled up).

Time :  The production should run for between 1 - 1.5 hours

A few other important points:

Songs : I am no musician! I have written in 5 songs and have even written some words (see attachment below), but I can't put it to music. So, if you can do this, that would be great. Let me have the music and we can be like Gilbert and Sullivan!

Music : There are a number of musical interludes in the production that are very different: fair-ground music, party music and dark, discordant  music. Once again, I am not a musician and would love someone to get this stuff sorted for me!

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